ScapeGOAT rules

If these rules are broken your account is subject to ban.




1. Scamming
1.1 If you are scammed, it is your fault. Without valid proof (video or pictures clearly showing you've been scammed), there is nothing that can be done, and nothing will be done.
1.2 If you and another player both clearly agree to certain set rules within a duel those rules must be abided by. If one is caught on video breaking this rule the scammer will be banned and the victim will be refunded
1.3 Mods/Admins will NEVER ask for your password in game. The staff will have either a SILVER or GOLD crown next to their name, not [Mod] or [Admin]
1.4 A trade under false conditions or promises counts as a scam

2. ::Yell
2.1 Do not argue over yell. You will be given one warning, if the arguing continues, you will be muted for 24 hours, or longer depending on the severity of yell abuse. If you continue arguing over yell after serving your punishment, you will be IP muted.
2.2 Your yell privelage may be removed by the owner if you abuse it.
2.3 Your right to yell will be removed by mods at their will. It is up to them if they do or not.
(Do not flame the person who yellmuted you. If you do you will be Ip-muted or banned for disrespecting staff and flaming)

3. Language/Flaming
3.1 The use of racist, slanderous, defamatory, homophobic, obscene, indecent, lewd, por nographic, violent, abusive, insulting, threatening and harassing comments towards other users are not tolerated. Flame made in a humorous manner may or may not be interpreted as you intended.
3.2 Cursing is alright, as long as it is not used to put another down. If told to stop cursing by another member, you must stop. Many people do not like it, and respect is something that you must have.

4. Spamming
4.1 Spamming ingame will not be tolerated. Auto typers must be set at an interval that does not spam the chat, when told to increase your interval, please do so.
4.2 Advertising constitutes as spamming. Anyone caught advertising will be banned on site.

5. Disrespecting Members of Staff
5.1) Do not disrespect staff members - treat the staff how you would like to be treated, this involves in knowing they are players too and moderate for its best interests.
If you have a problem with a decision a staff member has made you can report it in the 'Report A Staff member' section with proof.
You are not allowed to openly express your dis-contempt for a staff member, over pm, thread, yell etc.
Punishment may not be given prior to a warning.

6. Staff/Dicer Impersonation
6.1) Claiming to be a member of staff when you're really not is completely against the rules. Making names, even if they are to troll, to make it seem like you're a staff member, is also against the rules. This rule has no warning, and is a permanent ban.

7. Bug Abuse
Abusing any sort of bug is against the rules. Found a bug? Report it in the 'Report A Bug' section. Abusing a bug will result in a permanent ban.
Abusing bugs to 'test if they work' is a bannable offence unless you have prior permission (and proof of this) from a staff member.

8. Macroing
8.1) Macroing is the use of third party software that gives you an advantage. This includes Botting, auto buyers, auto sellers, and ghost mouse. You are allowed to use auto-typers but they must be set on intervals that do not spam the chat

9. The Wilderness
9.1) The one and only rule in the wilderness, other than bug abusing, is pkp farming. Pkp farming is an instant ban.
9.2) If you are lured, it is your OWN fault.
9.3) After rules are agreed for a risk fight or something along those lines, and the rules agreed on are not followed, there is no infraction that a staff member can and will take. It's called the wilderness for a reason.
9.4) What happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.
9.5) Staff members reserve the right to amend the laws concerning the wilderness as and when they feel necessary.

10. Multiple Logging In
10.1) You can only log in to two accounts at one time. If we find you are abusing this privilege to dupe items or abuse any other bug you will be automatically IP banned.

11. Buying/Selling RS, RSPS, and any RS Related Items/Accounts or any other game
11.1) The sale of Runescape, RSPS, and any other game's accounts/items is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.
NO warning will be given.

12. Buying/Selling accounts
12.1) Buying accounts must have a thread designated to the account that is being sold.
12.2) Any accounts sold without a thread are subject to suspicion and have the possibility of being recovered, as there is no proof the accounts were sold to anyone.
12.3) Accounts being sold must be middle-manned by a staff member, or another trusted member at your digression. Any other member who middle-mans (who are not staff) that happen to scam you will be going against rule 1 and will be punished.
12.4) Accounts may only be sold for money/items IN GAME or be swapped for other account(s). Selling for anything in another game/IRL will be going against rule 11, and will result in an instant ban to anyone found to be involved. NO EXCEPTIONS.

13. Trolls
13.1) A "troll" is someone who intentionally and persistently posts inflammatory messages about sensitive, topics to bait users into responding or provoke a confrontation. This will be taken as harassment, and will be dealt with as such. The staff’s time is too valuable to be spent on harassing trolls. If you’ve come here to troll, be unkind toward others, and waste our time, then you will be disposed of. The staff has more important things to deal with.
13.2) Trolling in a humerus manner with light, fun things will be tolerated, but be respectful. If someone asks you to stop, you MUST stop. Harassment is not tolerated, though having some laughs and fun is encouraged by us. Have fun here, don't create problems. Any reports about this will be dealt with at the staff member's digression.

14. Threatening Others
14.1) Anything from making real life threats to Denial Of Service attacks are against the rules.
We here in the Golden Age do not like bullies, and DoS/DDoS/CMD attacks are against the law.

15. Encouraging others to break rules
15.1) If you're encouraging other members to break the rules you will be permanently banned. If you're encouraged to do so by another player, be responsible and report them immediately.
(Ex., Finding a dupe, and asking other players to help you with it.)

16. Account Sharing
16.1) Account sharing is not allowed for accounts with membership (member accounts include members, extreme members, and dicers), though account sharing IS allowed for non-members. Account sharing is at your own risk. If you share with someone who then logs in and cleans out your account, there is nothing that staff can do to help you. Be careful about who you share with, be smart. There is no second chance with this one

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